Bari is 5th out of 10 cities in Lonely Planet Best in Europe 2019 Report.

Discover its wonders, including Officina degli Esordi where Puglia Creativa is based

Lonely Planet travel experts visited remote coasts, bustling cities and little-known regions of Europe, in search of the best 10 destinations to visit this year. Among these, the city of Bari took the 5th place since it means that is experiencing a cultural spring through regeneration actions ranging from the reopening of cultural spaces, theatres, urban spaces, cycle paths, etc.

Bari is a city that knows how to combine art, architecture, music, culture, history, traditions and cuisine. Discover here why it is worth visiting it according to the Lonely Planet.

More info
Why you should visit Bari? Discover it here

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Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa Via Crispi n.5 c/o Officine Degli Esordi 70123 Bari
Tel: +39 371-3087348
CF 93432440720 P.I 07660920724

Associazione Distretto Produttivo Puglia Creativa
Via Crispi n.5 c/o Officine Degli Esordi
70123 Bari
Tel: +39 371-3087348
CF 93432440720 P.I 07660920724

Project co-financed by the
European Regional Development Fund

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